The Adult Education Service provides free crèche facilities at numerous venues across the city, catering for children between the ages of 6 weeks old, up to their 5thbirthday.
When enrolling on a course, you must express your need for a crèche place so that a space can be reserved for your child.
If you are given a crèche place for your child you are expected to attend every week unless your child is ill. If you fail to use your place on a regular basis it may be taken off you and re-allocated to someone else.
On the first day of your course you will need to arrive at the crèche before the start of your class to complete a registration form for your child.
The crèche is only provided for the duration of the lesson and parents must remain on site at all times.
You will need to provide nappies, bottle feeds or a drink and a piece of fruit for snack time for each session. We operate a ‘Healthy Eating’ policy and any crisps, chocolate, sweets, biscuits or fizzy drinks are not allowed and will be sent home unused. We do not have the facilities or the time to give children meals, i.e. breakfast, lunch or tea during the sessions as the children and the staff are very busy with activities.
Our crèches are registered with Ofsted on the’ Voluntary Childcare Register’ and we operate within an extensive range of policies and procedures which will be available to view within the crèches.