Adult Education Service 024 7697 5439 |
WEETC Main Reception and Nursery 024 7651 1228 |
Willenhall Education Employment and Training Centre
Robin Hood Road
The numbers 21, 13/13A, 27, 360/360A all stop at the Willenhall shopping precinct, which is a few minutes walk from the Centre.
There is parking available for learners at Willenhall Education Employment and Training Centre
Centre reception
All classrooms are on the ground floor and are accessible by wheelchair.
Toilet facilities, including disabled, are located at the front and rear of the building
Hot refreshments are available for a small charge at reception.
Adult Education managers and administration staff are located on the ground floor. Please feel free to speak to them if you require any assistance.
There will be a fire evacuation practice once a term. This may happen once during your class, but we vary the times over the year.