Keep Safe on line!
- Be sure who you are dealing with online; people may not be who they say they are!
- Do not disclose or share personal information about yourself or others when on-line (including home address, phone number, bank and financial data).
- Be aware that any photos, videos or information you upload or post can be seen by others.
- Immediately report any unpleasant or inappropriate material or messages, or anything that makes you feel uncomfortable when you see it on-line.
- Please treat your username and password like your toothbrush – don’t share it or try to use any other person’s username and password.
- Do not use the same password for multiple accounts. If you have reason to believe that someone else knows your password change it immediately.
- Information on-line may not be accurate, beware - it could be a deliberate attempt to mislead you.
Safeguarding, PREVENT and British Values
We confirm that all safeguarding procedures will be adhered to. Your tutor will have completed up-to-date training in safeguarding, PREVENT and British Values in accordance with Coventry City Council policy.
If you are unhappy, or concerned about anything, please report the issue to your tutor or the Venue Manager where you attend your course.
Last modified: Tuesday, 16 April 2024, 8:01 PM