These guidelines are based on the City Council policy on Acceptable use of ICT facilities Please use ICT systems in a responsible way; our aim is to ensure that there is no risk to your safety and security, or to that of other users and the ICT systems. Agreement to this is a requirement before use of equipment. Please note ICT equipment includes Computers and other portable equipment such as cameras, voice recorders, mobile phones, laptops etc.

Use of ICT

  • The adult education ICT systems are primarily intended for educational use and are not for personal or recreational use such as gaming or gambling.
  • Do not install or attempt to install or store programmes on a computer, or alter computer settings unless you have permission to do so.
  • Please respect others’ work and property do not access, copy, remove or alter any other person’s files, without their knowledge and permission.
  • Please scan removable media (e.g. your memory stick ) before use to avoid spreading viruses.
  • Please report any damage or faults involving equipment or software to your tutor.

When using the internet

  • Please ensure you are not downloading copyright material from the internet (including music and videos).
  • Be aware that the information you find on-line may not be accurate.
  • When communicating with others on-line do not use strong or inappropriate language, do not bully others.
  • Do not take or distribute images of other learners' children.
  • Do not take or distribute images of anyone without their permission.
  • Do not try to create, download or access any materials which are illegal or inappropriate or may cause harm or distress to others e.g. obscene, racist, defamatory material or material which shows violence or criminal or terrorist acts.
  • Do not try to bypass security or filtering systems.
  • Do not open any attachments to emails, unless you know and trust the person / organisation that sent the email, due to the risk of the attachment containing viruses or other harmful programmes or inappropriate content.

When attending online lessons

  • Please be aware that the online platforms do not give tutors sight of all learners. 
  • Please turn off your sound so that noises from home do not disturb others. Only unmute when you have something to say. 
  • For dance and fitness lessons think carefully about your surroundings, including the flooring in the room, and have spatial awareness and health and safety in mind. Listen to your body and only do what feels right for you. Ensure  you take responsibility for your own health and safety as Coventry Adult Education Service cannot be held responsible for any injuries that may occur. 
  • To ensure all participants safety and privacy you are asked not to film or record any of the sessions. Your tutor may record sessions as part of our responsibility for safeguarding  and for assessment purposes. 
  • Please ensure children and any other members of your household do not wander into view of your webcam.   
  • Video must be switched on during the class. 
  • If possible, blur your background or use a backdrop. If this is not possible, check there are no personal or sensitive items in view. 

Why do I need to be aware of the above?

For your own safety and security and that of others.

The Adult Education Service wants to help all learners and staff to stay safe. This includes your overall safety while you are on your course, including your safety online. The internet is used by people such as groomers and bullies. It is also used by extremists and terrorists to promote their ideology or radicalise people.

There are various laws covering use of electronic equipment and information for your protection and the protection of others. Any misuse will be reported to the local authority ICT team for investigation and in serious cases could lead to investigation by the police.

Who do I report to?

If you are unhappy, or concerned about anything, please report to your tutor or the Adult Education manager at the centre where you attend your course.

Where can I get more information?

 Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre -

 Internet Watch Foundation -

 Get Safe Online -

 BBC WebWise -

 Prevent for FE and Training -

 Let’s talk about it – working together to prevent terrorism -

 Facebook family safety centre -

* Home Office/Department for Education: How social media is used to encourage travel to Syria and Iraq – briefing note for schools -


Last modified: Thursday, 29 February 2024, 12:23 PM